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【Special Offer】Tonic 120ml+ Ampoule 5s x2 (Free Volume Boost Shampoo 500ml)

Regular price
RM 279.00
Sale price
RM 279.00
Regular price
RM 368.00


1. 固发防脱洗发水 Volume Boost Shampoo 维持发量,不掉不掉发

2.  育发素 Essential Energize Hair Tonic 滋润毛囊,有助于减少分叉并保护头皮,帮助育发养发,使头发更健康、更美丽5.  精华护发精油

3. Essential Ampoule

  1. Volume Boost Shampoo - Maintains hair volume, prevents hair loss.
  2. Essential Energize Hair Tonic - Nourishes hair follicles, reduces split ends, and protects the scalp, promoting hair growth and making your hair healthier and more beautiful.
  3. Essential Hair Care